Monday, 31 December 2012

Ensure Your Personal / Financial Goals Propel You To Success

A personal goal is like a sailor looking for north on a compass. It points you in the right direction on what you want to achieve in life and helps you to maintain a positive approach on the road to the goal. To do this however, it's essential that you make your goals as precise and clear as possible. You'll want to make it as effortless as possible for you to reach them.

When you set out a descriptive & detailed roadmap for yourself instead of an idea in your head, you have empowered yourself for success. Not only do you have a path set out before you but you now know exactly what you need to do to get there. plans also tend to invigorate you with more enthusiasm.
This serves as a powerful self motivator, and gives you the excitement you need to continue down your road to success.

Follow these steps to ensure your hit your goals:


1. What is your final & ultimate goal? What is it exactly that you want to achieve?

Try not to use a goal like "I want to be successful," be a lot more specific, such as "I want to run my own business with a profit of at least £10,000 per month."

2. Don't be put off by specifics. You have the final decision on what you want. Just don't be afraid to set the details. Avoid goals like "I want to be rich" because there is no detail:

- How much money do you want to make?
- Why? What do you want to do with this money?
- How will you want to earn this money?
- How soon do you want this to happen?
- What are you preparing yourself for this?

3. Organise your goals into bite size chucks.
The ultimate goal at a glance may seem intimidating and unattainable. So it's important to break up your main goal into smaller goals. Write out detailed plans about how you'll reach each of the smaller goals.

For example, if you want to start your own business, a small goal would be to research your local and national business laws and register a Limited Company.

4. Set yourself some realistic deadlines. It's essential you give yourself deadlines to highlight your progress along the way. Each of your small goals should have an attainable deadline.

For example, you'd give yourself a week to research different business structures and laws before opening your Limited company.

5. Track your goals as you are progressing through them. Making detailed notes about what you have done so far & keeping a track of your progress will help you stay on top of your goals.

6. Always have a contingency plan. Occasionally you won't be able to make the deadline you have set out for yourself, and this can be because of a host of different reasons. You may find that you'll be unable to follow through with a current plan entirely.
It's important to think of the alternatives in case certain situations don't work out. Having these in place saves you a lot of time if you run into a roadblock later on the way to your goals.

Prioritise Your Life

Organising your goals means keeping all of your detailed plans and journals in a folder with tabs within hands reach. You may decide to have electronic copies of your notes and goals saved, just remember to keep photocopies, digital backups or email copies handy to ensure you don’t lose them.

It doesn’t matter what method you've chosen, remember when setting your goals
-       Define the details
-       Set smaller attainable goals that lead toward your ultimate goals
-       Be flexible so you can overcome your challenges, and keep track of your progress.

Doing these things will bring you ultimate clarity and success.

Good Luck and GOD Bless

Monday, 24 December 2012

GRATITUDE – First step towards a happy life

Showing gratitude is the first step towards attracting positivity from the world around you.  Reaching your goals starts with a single positive thought and its only you who can attract that thought towards you by being grateful to the good things and good people around you.

How do you feel when someone sincerely expresses his or her gratitude to you for something you did? Doesn't it make you feel good about yourself? These positive feelings can lift you up, boost your enthusiasm, and motivate you to achieve even more Feeling grateful for what you have will not only sustain your drive toward your goals but will also help attract more of the thing that you are grateful for towards you.

That is how gratitude has some seriously positive snowball effects in your life.
Being grateful to what you have can be beneficial in many ways some of which are listed below:

1. Goal attainment - When you feel grateful, it tends to be a lasting and selfless feeling. It's much more than just a momentary burst of positive energy; it has staying power that will provide a great boost for you to reach your goals.

* When you express your gratitude to others, ensure that you're open and expressive. It is not just the thought but the expression of thought matters as well.

2. Relationship booster - There are many ways you can express your gratitude to your loved ones, including saying, "Thank you," writing a letter, or giving them a thoughtful gift. When you learn to avoid taking your loved ones for granted, you'll have a long lasting and loving relationship.

* Showing gratitude is a two way street. The more you give the more you receive!

3. Effective communication: Gratitude can mean better communication all around. By expressing your gratitude to strangers, they'll be more likely to show an interest in helping you, too.

* Gratitude is such a powerful entity that it can even help you communicate with your pets, in this case maybe not through talking but through your gestures.

4. Effective constructive criticism. No matter how we express constructive criticism, it often makes the recipient defensive or even angry. No one likes a blow to the ego. In this situation, a grateful attitude can take you a long way. You can express criticism quite effectively when you also emphasize what you appreciate about them.

5. Happy memories - You can preserve memories in a positive way when you keep a gratitude journal. When you go through your memories again and again it will bring more happy times in the future.